
To our knowledge, this is the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of public (non-commercial, non-academic) makerspaces in Canada. To promote the Maker Movement, we are offering all current members of these organizations an ongoing 5% discount of all products (sales items included) available from Makerwiz. Visit our store online or offline today!

Listed in alphabetical order, the Canadian makerspaces are:

  1. Artengine, Ottawa, ON
  2. AssentWorks, Winnipeg, MB
  3. CrashBang Labs, Regina, SK
  4. DIYode, Guelph, ON
  5. ENTS, Edmonton, AB
  6. Foulab, Montreal, QC
  7. Fraser Valley Makerspace, Langley, BC
  8. Gatineau Sustainable Makerspace, Gatineau, QC
  9. Gibsons Hack Space, Gibsons, BC
  10. HackLab.TO, Toronto, ON
  11. Halifax Makerspace, Halifax, NS
  12. Helios Makerspace, Montreal, QC
  13. Inter/Access, Toronto, ON
  14. Kamloops Makerspace, Kamloops, BC
  15. KwartzLab Makerspace, Kitchener, ON
  16. London Community Woodshop, London, ON
  17. Maker Cube, Surrey, BC
  18. MakerLabs, Vancouver, BC
  19. Makerspace Nanaimo, Nanaimo, BC
  20. Nelson Tech Club, Nelson, BC
  21. NewMakeIt, Newmarket, ON
  22. Ohm Base Hackerspace, Thunder Bay, ON
  23. Protoshed, St. John’s, NL
  24. Protospace, Calgary, AB
  25. Site 3 coLaboratory, Toronto, ON
  26. Saskatoon TechWorks, Saskatoon, SK
  27. SkullSpace, Winnipeg, MB
  28. SparQ Studios, Kingston, ON
  29. STEAMLabs, Toronto, ON
  30. Thinkhaus, Hamilton, ON
  31. Ultimate Workshop, Toronto, ON
  32. UnLab, London, ON
  33. Vancouver Community Laboratory, Vancouver, BC
  34. Vancouver Hack Space, Vancouver, BC
  35. Victoria Makerspace, Victoria, BC
  36. WePress, Vancouver, BC
  37. Windsor Hackforge, Windsor, ON
  38. Ylab, Richmond Hill, ON
  39. Zen Maker Lab, North Vancouver, BC