To our knowledge, this is the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of public (non-commercial, non-academic) makerspaces in Canada. To promote the Maker Movement, we are offering all current members of these organizations an ongoing 5% discount of all products (sales items included) available from Makerwiz. Visit our store online or offline today!
Listed in alphabetical order, the Canadian makerspaces are:
- Artengine, Ottawa, ON
- AssentWorks, Winnipeg, MB
- CrashBang Labs, Regina, SK
- DIYode, Guelph, ON
- ENTS, Edmonton, AB
- Foulab, Montreal, QC
- Fraser Valley Makerspace, Langley, BC
- Gatineau Sustainable Makerspace, Gatineau, QC
- Gibsons Hack Space, Gibsons, BC
- HackLab.TO, Toronto, ON
- Halifax Makerspace, Halifax, NS
- Helios Makerspace, Montreal, QC
- Inter/Access, Toronto, ON
- Kamloops Makerspace, Kamloops, BC
- KwartzLab Makerspace, Kitchener, ON
- London Community Woodshop, London, ON
- Maker Cube, Surrey, BC
- MakerLabs, Vancouver, BC
- Makerspace Nanaimo, Nanaimo, BC
- Nelson Tech Club, Nelson, BC
- NewMakeIt, Newmarket, ON
- Ohm Base Hackerspace, Thunder Bay, ON
- Protoshed, St. John’s, NL
- Protospace, Calgary, AB
- Site 3 coLaboratory, Toronto, ON
- Saskatoon TechWorks, Saskatoon, SK
- SkullSpace, Winnipeg, MB
- SparQ Studios, Kingston, ON
- STEAMLabs, Toronto, ON
- Thinkhaus, Hamilton, ON
- Ultimate Workshop, Toronto, ON
- UnLab, London, ON
- Vancouver Community Laboratory, Vancouver, BC
- Vancouver Hack Space, Vancouver, BC
- Victoria Makerspace, Victoria, BC
- WePress, Vancouver, BC
- Windsor Hackforge, Windsor, ON
- Ylab, Richmond Hill, ON
- Zen Maker Lab, North Vancouver, BC